Saturday, November 20, 2010


Groupons are a great way to find good deals. Groupons have daily deals for businesses in your area. There's even a mobile app. Check it out at Groupon.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Saving time and $$$

Shopping for a one year or six month supply of small supplies like shampoo, toothpaste, deoderant, garbage bags etc.. can save you a lot of time and money. Many times when you run out of the small items you have to make a special trip to the store which costs you gas money, wear and tear on your car and time. My advice would be to check out the discount stores to stock up. The dollar stores often have name brand stuff for a dallor. A tube of toothpaste can last two people up to 30 days, contact solution for one person can last up to a month, deoderant for one person can last up to a month and the list of goes on.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Comcast Update

Comcast no longer offers special deals to retain customers. I'm out!  I'm cancelling Comcast.  Switching to WOW. Wow is going to save me $50 a month.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Credit Card Interest Rates

You should call your credits about every six months and ask if a lower interest rate is possible.
Every time I have ever called I've always gotten a lower rate. Usually credit card companies will only allow this to happen once every six months to a year.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

free meals at chain restaurants

If you like eating out at chain restaurants, such as TGI Fridays and Chilis for example, signing up to receive emails can be quite rewarding... Although you will get a few junk emails about new food and special promos that don't save you any money, you will get coupons for free appetizers, buy one get one free meals, etc. about once a month. More and more businesses are sweetening the deal for being a loyal customer. Why not go through a couple extra emails to earn some free food?!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Ink Cartridges

Many stores have ink cartridge recycling programs. I take my used cartridges to Office Max. Office Max gives a $3 credit for each on you bring in. You can bring in up to 4 a day. Cartridges are expensive so every little bit helps.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Use a free email address to controll spam

If you ever sign up for an email coupan, discount or in store promotion you should create a seperate email account to prevent you main email from getting spam email.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Philopophy skin products rock!

Over the past few years, I have tried dozens of skin and beauty products, read fashion magazines religiously, and have an entire bathroom closet filled with all of my cast-offs. By far, the best products I have found that really mimic the effects of a salon facial are by Philospohy. Although the skin kit "Hope is Not Enough" feels a  bit pricey, it is so worth the money.... my skin has never held up this well during the winter months....  I do the mini "at home" facial once a week and it really feels like I had it done professionally. Give it a try... you'll be quite surprised and will save money in the long run!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Comcast renewal tip.

I've found that if you say you're thinking of canceling when your contract term is up,  ask to speak to the retention dept because they can offer you better pricing promotions than the regular customer service reps. can. Have done it three times and it has saved me about $40 a month per year. Also, ask about any special promotions or free premium channels every time you call; there are always new promos that you may qualify for, even if it's only for  a couple of months. Just finished six free months of free premium channel.